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Charleston Arborists Talk About The Negative Effects of Over Pruning

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Pruning is one of the most commonly practiced arboricultural techniques, but it can also be the most harmful. There are many myths about pruning, and people often don’t realize the negative effects that it can have on trees.

In this blog post, we will talk about some of the most common negative effects of pruning and dispel some of the myths that surround it. Arborists in Charleston should be well-versed in these topics so that they can make informed decisions about how and when to prune trees.

Loss of Energy

Spring is a popular time to spruce up yards by doing some much-needed pruning. But while a well-manicured lawn may be the envy of your neighbors, you may want to think twice before reaching for the pruning shears. That’s because pruning can have some serious consequences for trees, including reducing their ability to produce energy.

Photosynthesis is the process that trees use to convert sunlight into energy. This energy is essential for the tree to grow and thrive. However, when branches are cut, the tree’s ability to produce energy is reduced. This is because leaves are a tree’s primary source of energy. When leaves are removed, the tree has to work harder to make up for the lost energy. As a result, trees that are frequently pruned are more prone to disease and stress. In addition, if more than 25% of a tree’s canopy is removed, the tree can become unhealthy.

So next time you’re tempted to reach for the pruning shears, consider the drawbacks first. Your trees will thank you for it!

Increased Risk of Branch/Limb Failure

It’s easy to get carried away when pruning. After all, it feels good to shape things up and get rid of the dead weight. But as any gardener knows, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing – and that’s certainly true when it comes to pruning. When you remove too much foliage from a branch, you increase the risk of that branch breaking under the weight of the remaining leaves.

To clarify, a limb is more susceptible to failure because secondary branches help dissipate wind. When a limb is ‘lion tailed’ the whole limb experience greater wind forces because there aren’t enough branches to diffuse wind.

This is especially true in high winds, when the branches act as sails, catching the wind and putting extra strain on the trunk. In addition, over-pruned branches are more susceptible to damage from pests and disease. So next time you’re reaching for the pruning shears, take a step back and ask yourself if you really need to cut that much. A little restraint now can save you a lot of trouble down the road.

Get an assessment and quote from Connor Tree Service today.

Increased Wind Load

If you’ve ever been caught in a gust of wind, you know how much force it can have. Now imagine that same wind blowing against a tree branch. Over time, all that wind can weaken a branch, making it more likely to break. Charleston arborists see this all the time.

That’s why it’s important not to prune trees too aggressively. By removing too much of the canopy, you increase the wind load on the remaining branches, making them more likely to fail. So when you’re trimming your trees, take it easy and don’t go overboard. A little bit of pruning can go a long way.


Pruning trees is a practice that is often done for aesthetic reasons. However, there are several negative effects of pruning that make it an unhealthy practice for trees. First, pruning can damage the tree’s natural ability to produce new growth. This is because pruning removes the tree’s buds, which are necessary for new growth.

Additionally, pruning can also make the tree more susceptible to diseases and pests. This is because the wounds created by pruning provide entry points for diseases and pests to enter the tree. Finally, pruning removes the tree’s natural beauty by altering its shape and size. For these reasons, it is best to avoid pruning trees whenever possible.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are several negative effects of pruning. Before you reach for the pruning shears, make sure you understand the risks involved. By taking a few moments to learn about the drawbacks of pruning, you can help keep your trees healthy and looking their best. This blog post was brought to you by one of the top Charleston arborist companies.

If you’re in need of tree services, contact us today! A certified arborist in Charleston, SC is a click away and we would love to help you.

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